Fundamentals of Training

Register now for part 1 of the T3 Train the Trainer Series being held on May 23rd from 1 - 5 at the Westlake Scout Hut. The cost is $10 per participant to help cover training materials and other supplies needed for the course.
The Fundamentals of Training, is designed to help Scouters, regardless of their experience, present effective training. This is the first part of the three-part train-the trainer continuum (T3 ) in Scouting and is intended for both YOUTH and ADULT trainers. This session is designed to introduce new Scouting trainers to teaching techniques and skills. Most of the BSA’s instructor-led training is designed around a variation of what educators are calling the “team-based learning model.” Using small groups, team-based learning promotes learning and team development through frequent and immediate feedback by a facilitator/ instructor. The team-based learning approach is similar to the patrol method Scouting has used for more than a century all over the world. The patrol method has proven effective in operating a den, patrol, and crew, as well as in learning.
Click below to register now!